Tag - altona plumbers


Hot Water Repairs Point Cook

Hot Water Repairs Point Cook  Hot water is essential to our daily lives, from showering to washing dishes. However, hot water systems can malfunction or break down unexpectedly, causing major inconveniences. When this happens, it's important to find a reliable and trustworthy plumber that can...

Burst Pipe Point Cook

Got a burst pipe?

Has a pipe burst on your property in Wyndham? Sounds like you need an emergency plumber. Thankfully our team at McCarthy Plumbing Plumbing are the experts in handling emergency situations just like this and commit to visiting your location (Point Cook, Laverton North and...


Bathroom Renovations in Wyndham

  The thought of bathroom renovations in Wyndham can be daunting and stressful, which is why McCarthy Plumbing Group work to make them an exciting and positive experience. When it’s time to change up the old, outdated bathroom and transform it into a luxury destination...


Water saving tips in Melbourne

Water. It’s the essential product for survival, cleanliness and growth. But how much is too much? Society today depends on showers, washing machines, hoses, sinks and toilets for a clean lifestyle. And whilst most of our wages are appropriate for this cost, there is...

Commercial Maintenance Plumbers Melbourne

The danger that is carbon monoxide

What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide (CO) is ‘an odourless and colourless gas caused by the incomplete combustion of carbon’. CO poisoning occurs as the carbon molecules replace the oxygen molecules in blood. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning Light symptoms range from headaches and nausea to...